Spotty cougar-cubs are precious!

Well, the adorable spotted fuzzball you see at the left is Sierra. She was out at Sawgrass today, along with Ann-Marie, Junior's sister and littermate.

Sierra is around four weeks old, and really enjoyed the day, sleeping on a warm heating pad most of the time and getting fed milk from a bottle several times. I wish I could take her home! Alas, maybe someday I'll have the necessary credentials to do so.

After Sawgrass I went to the property. Tiffany was being a sweetie today, chuffing up a storm. I hope she gets a new cage-mate soon; she must get lonely in there. That's why I give her extra-special attention.

Well, today's pictures are all here, feel free to enjoy!

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You just cant get any sweeter

You just cant get any sweeter than that!! How beautiful!