Submitted by Zorin on Tue, 2006-10-24 18:17.
On Second Life, everyone has a profile. This is what you get when you right click on them and choose Profile. It's a place to write something about yourself, and is usually the first thing people see when they meet you.
Well, someone who shall not be named has this as the entire text of her profile:
Wow. The very first thing you learn about her is that she's a stuck-up bitch.
I sent her a note, just asking her if that's really the first impression she wants to give people. I'm looking forward to the reply, and ponder how many cuss words will be in it. ;)
I'll update if I get a response...
UPDATE: Whoops I forgot to update! I did eventually get a response. She said she was just really pissed off when she set that, and had forgotten she did. Her profile is now simply empty. Okaaaaay...
Submitted by Zorin on Mon, 2006-08-28 16:07.
I just got this spam:
Hope I am not writinbg to wrong address. I am nice, pretty looking
girl. I am planning on visiting your town this month. Canb
we meet each othber in persona? Message me back at
I know it's spam, but it's still fun to pretend it's real and critique it:
> Hope I am not writinbg to wrong address. I am nice, pretty looking girl.
Yes, you are writing to the wrong address. You have to find the address of a guy who's looking for an illiterate girlfriend. You can barely write yourself out of paper bag; my current mate can write beautiful poetry that makes my heart sing. You fail already in just writing a simple E-mail and we're not even halfway through the message!
> I am planning on visiting your town this month. Canb we meet each othber in persona?
Can you proofread your messages before you send them? No? Sorry, not interested.
> Message me back at Go away, spammer. Have a non-nice day.
-Zorin the Lynx
Submitted by Zorin on Sat, 2005-10-29 15:09.
Seriously, what's with all these morons running generators inside the house?
I've heard reports that several people have already died in the wake of this hurricane... Not because of the hurricane, but because they ran a FREAKIN' GAS ENGINE INSIDE THE HOUSE.
Okay, let's look at a couple of factors here...
- Generators are DAMN NOISY: Even if they were completely harmless, why would you want that insane racket in your house? I know it'd drive me batty in no time...
- Exhaust fumes are smelly: You'd think after a while when you're coughing and can't breathe because of the nasty fumes building up, you'd stop the generator and open a window...
- Everyone knows running a car in a closed garage will kill you: Shouldn't it be common sense to apply this to any other type of engine?
Several people are Darwin award contenders already for this idiocy, and I'm sure there will be more before the power is restored everywhere in South FL. Not only that, how many family members of the deceased will try to sue the generator manufacturers for this?
People really need to grow some brains.
Submitted by Zorin on Thu, 2005-09-15 23:51.
Submitted by Zorin on Sat, 2005-09-10 22:52.
Submitted by Zorin on Fri, 2005-07-15 09:15.
Okay, here's a good one.
So apparently, a modification called "Hot Coffee" to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (story here) has pissed off some politicians and parents who are afraid that kids might see it.
Okay, let me get this straight. GTA:SA is a game where you are required to kill people, usually in bloody, disturbed ways, and you can run around beating old ladies to death with tire irons, blowing up cars, and causing all kinds of destructive mayhem, but... people are upset at a patch that shows a couple of people having sex?!!!
People, get your fucking priorities straight already!!!
I am getting tired of this hypocritical attitude people have when it comes to "protecting the chiiiiiiiildren!" Apparently it's okay to show kids murder and wanton destruction, but sex is verboten, no way, that will corrupt their minds!
Get a grip, folks. Turn your brains on; if you want to protect kids from something you perceive as "evil", protect them from all the "evil", otherwise you'll just look like freakin' hypocrites. The fact that politicians are taking these people seriously is disturbing.
Submitted by Zorin on Sun, 2005-06-26 23:59.
I think this LiveJournal is a joke. If it's not, this person must need some serious psychiatric help:
(Mirrored here since LJs sometimes vanish unexpectedly)
I do suspect it's a joke since it's only existed for a very short time, but its pretty funny in any case. }:)
Submitted by Zorin on Sat, 2005-06-11 12:07.
So, some asswipes have decided to start spamming comments into this site, advertising things like gambling sites, jewelry, and viagra. I've deleted all the comments and found it was all coming from one IP, and banned it from talking to my site (along with everything else in that /24).
It's unbelievable. Spammers don't stop with e-mail, they insist on spamming people's PERSONAL WEBSITES too. If it keeps up, I'm gonna have to set up captchas, or change the posting method so that robots can't spam as easily. Arrrrgh.
Submitted by Zorin on Tue, 2005-05-24 14:08.
This trouble ticket came in today. Seriously, you just can't make this up...
I am a student at university park and I am trying to upload my database
onto my unix account at solix. I am having a little trouble getting the codic
from my diskette to the unix server. First I tried loading the files onto the
pc then cutting and pasting them onto the unix account using the pico command.
I found that I could not cut or paste.
SO now what I am trying to do is open a vax account with the pine command and
sending the codic via email, but I cannot login to pine. the username and
password are invalid. please help me find a way to upload my database. there
are alot of programs for the gcc complier in c++.
Here's an explanation of what's wrong with this, for the non-technically minded:
- We don't support solix, only Computer Science systems. But barring that...
- What the heck is a "codic"? And if he meant codec, what does that have to do with databases?
- You're trying to cut and paste files through pico? pico is a text editor! Unless it's a text file, good luck!
- A VAX account? We haven't had a VAX system on this campus in about seven years.
- Even if we had a VAX system still, since when do you use PINE to open an account on them?
- If you can't log into your email account, how in the heck did you send this message? (yes, it came from their campus email account)
- Yes, there's a lot of C++ programs out there. What does this have to do with anything?
Wow. Seriously, every time you think you've seen it all, something like this surprises you again. Jeeez!
Submitted by Zorin on Fri, 2005-04-29 13:23.
You gotta love these products, that claim to passively do things that, in reality, would require a room full of scientific equipment to do, if it were even possible at all:

So, this company claims that just by being clamped over the fuel line of an engine, this product can radically alter the molecular structure of the fuel, without requiring any external power whatsoever?
Don't folks realize that if this were possible, and actually improved gas mileage, that such a device would already be installed in every new car on the market?
Of course not. People are gullible. Hopefully this company gets shut down for the scam they are perpetrating.
I blurred out the brand name because I don't want anyone actually falling for this and wasting a hundred bucks on a piece of not-even-so-fancy plastic.
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