So long, Mustang...

So, I'm currently at work and in the process of building a Linux box to replace Mustang, our syslog/fax server. This is kind of sad, in a way.

Mustang is currently a Sun SparcStation 10; the oldest model Sun we still have in production use in the department. This machine is about 14 years old, and is STILL DOING A GREAT JOB. The only reason we're replacing it is because its root disk is starting to fail and it's harder to find a replacement SCSI disk for it than to just build a whole new machine.

I used to be proud of the fact that we still have a 14 year old Sun still doing production work, but soon that machine will be gone and our next-oldest Sun, Mongoose, which is only 11 years old, will be the new "oldest machine still in production use".

Heh, I'm such a geek for being sentimental about this. }:)

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its ok, im sentimental too.

compsci@goedel:~ 101% uptime
9:26pm up 766 day(s), 12:15, 7 users, load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.02
compsci@goedel:~ 102%

anyone who dares reboot that machine, will suffer my wrath.