Forgotten computing memories...

Here is my Windows 3.1 desktop from August 1995.

Holy crap! I had forgotten I took this one. A little glimpse into the computing world I was in back then. Funny how ugly and dated Windows 3.1 looks when compared to modern operating systems.

At this point I had been on the net for only a few months. Trumpet Winsock was the app of choice for accessing the net on Windows 3.1 machines at the time! Netscape is there in all its glory, as is Eudora for mail, Ewan for telnet (many hours were spent MUCKing Ewan'ed into, Agent for reading Usenet, among other things....

All geeks have to have their copy of the "Star Trek: The Next Generation Guide", conveniently in Windows Help (.hlp) format... Applewin is present for emulating Apple II computers, and of course Telemate was the de-facto terminal program for DOS back then. It didn't run that well under Windows but I left the icon around anyway.

Gah, I'm nostalgic about the silliest things sometimes...

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I wish I had taken some

I wish I had taken some screenshots of my Win3.1 PC from back in the day. It looks like you had a lot more cool applications than I did. Of course mine wasn't networked so that makes a difference.

I had the Windows entertainment pack though... Jezzball! Fun stuff.