RP on FM, Winbl0ze, and insane amounts of disk space

I've started RPing more on FurryMUCK lately. I dunno if it's that a new batch of fun and interesting players has joined the system, or what, but it seems more fun lately than it's been over the past few years. I'm glad FM is doing well; in this age of flashy web graphics and Second Life and all, text-based systems have fallen into the shadows and only the most hard-core people seem to like them anymore. It's a community with a strong history and I'm glad to have been a part of it for so long.

On the other side, though, I'm thinking of actually building... *gasp*, a Windows box. For games, of course. The thing is, when the MacBook Pro comes out in Februrary, if it can run Windows in a dual-boot configuration, that would be the ideal solution, as it would kill two cockroaches with one stomp. There's lots of games that have come out in the last few years that I'd like to try, many of them already in the bargain bins. A Windows box is a sad necessary evil to be able to play them, though.

Other than that, not much. Been dealing with lots and lots and lots of disk storage at work, backup strategies, pricing out an array of like 36 flat panels and pricing out hardware to drive it, and so on. It'd be neat if they'd buy that LCD array, that must be some sight.

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Wait for the Core Duo....

Please every time another WinDoze box is brought to life a kitten somewhere....Dies...It is the absolute truth.... Have you tried running windows on a VM? It works pretty weel first hand, Ive tried it with SWAT4, RavenShield and a couple of other games...But if your planning on running more of the X-Treme games that are more graphics than actual gameplay....Then a dedicated box for WinDoze might be your best bet...It hurts my ears to hear you bringing a WindoZe box to life, but to be honest I have one at home with the same purpose...So I understand...When I get enough money, im definitely going to head on over to the powerbook, Triple Boot??? Bwwwhhahahahhahahaha....


Windows sucks for gaming

Dude just run some linux distro with wine and game all you want it runs anything you'd buy at the store and several online games. The only thing it doesn't are games that incorporate weird anti cheat mechanisms that rape your system worse than anti virus programs. Try www.xubuntu.org if your interested.