Facts about Lynxie
Here are some random facts about Lynxie, for those who are curious. I'll be adding more as I think them up. }:)
- Lynxie is a domestic shorthair tabby.
- Since his birth was not witnessed, his birthday is unknown. But for the hell of it, it is estimated to be 3/8/2002.
- Lynxie has a bit of a biting problem, which has gotten better but it still there.
- The OS running on the machine in most pictures is LINUX. It is an alternative to Windows without all the proprietary garbage and is completely free.
- Lynxie's favorite game is still "Kill the thing moving under the covers".
- Lynxie gets into this crazy mood at around 10:30PM every night where he randomly runs all over the house and acts like a complete doofus.
- Some of Lynxie's nicknames:
- Doofus
- Dork
- Fuzzyhead
- Kittykitty
- Awwwww
- Danged &@*%&@ cat
- Whiskery one
- Lynxie's favorite food is Whiskas homestyle favorites. He also has Hills Science Diet Growth formula for kittens available at all times. The amount of Whiskas fed to him has been unchanged since aquisition and he has compensated by eating more Science Diet.
- Lynxie is strictly an indoor cat. He will never be an outdoor cat since letting a cat out around here is pretty much deadly.
- Lynxie has all his claws and will never be declawed. Declawing is cruel. His clawtips are trimmed regularly so they don't get painfully sharp.
- Lynxie is most affectionate as he is waking up. His purrrs are immensely loud.
- As of 6/29/2002, 397 pictures of Lynxie have been taken.
- The early Lynxie pictures were taken with a Kodak DC280 digital camera. The later ones were taken on a Kodak DX3900 digital camera.
- Lynxie can sleep through hard trance music. (Though I don't play it very loud when he's in the room)
- This photo album is generated using makealbum2.pl, a work in progress by myself. If you want a copy, let me know. }:)
- Lynxie tends to be in a bad mood on Mondays, which is odd because he doesn't have to go to work!
That is all. back to the album.