fullsized | websized You couldn't be more obvious with your giant, sloppy handwritten and duct-taped sign, could yas? |
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fullsized | websized The booth that had the $2500 Kiki and Jiji production cel. D'oh! |
fullsized | websized The sign forbade me to take pictures of this booth, but you know me better than that, right? }:) |
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fullsized | websized The Atlantic Ocean. |
fullsized | websized Uhh, I thought this was an ANIME convention? I'd expect to find this at a fur-con! |
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fullsized | websized Sailor Moon was at the con! Unfortunately I had accidentally flipped my lens to manual focus, so she came out blurry. ARRG! |
fullsized | websized Team Rocket, blasting off at the speed of light! (They should blast off at the speed of light to make better costumes for next year...) |