
Kitten Music Video

Okay, this is pretty bizarre... and adorable, at the same time. }:)

The editing is a bit off in places (you can see a hand or two), but it's still funny and cute!

No photography allowed!

So, I was browsing the merchandise in the Otakucon '04 dealer room, and saw this booth selling cool T-shirts. Of course, there was a "No photography" sign there, so I had to take a picture.

The funny thing is, I wouldn't have taken the picture if that sign wasn't there! I had to rebel against the silly paranoid booth operator who thought I could somehow damage his business by taking a photo of some T-shirts.

Oh well, here it is in all its glory. NO PHOTOGRAPHY! THAT MEANS YOU!!!

Holy Freakin' Lord

Okay, I'm a guy, and I like women who are well proportioned. This, however, is ridiculous:

Vixen Lamoore

(not safe to click on at work)

Her implants weigh 4.5 pounds EACH!! How much do you want to bet she'll be having those implants removed or reduced before she's 40?

Alright, perhaps there are guys who are turned on by this... But jeez... Enough is enough!


Weird find on campus

These were posted all over campus a few months ago. Talk about a strong political statement! Of course, they were all gone the next day. I guess either some pro-lifers stole them, or campus officials didn't like them around.

Found this on Usenet yesterday....

Posted in

Make with the clicky

Bwahahahahahahaaa. }:)


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