What's new pussycats?

Just an update on some things, since I haven't posted seriously in a while...

Anthrocon 2006 is coming soon. I shall be there! If anyone who knows me and wants to say hi is also going, let me know beforehand! Anthrocon is HUGE, it is unlikely that we'll run into each other by pure chance. I already have a few folks' numbers but just want to make sure I see everyone who wants to see me.

Lion King Caption Zaniness is no more. Sorry folks, but I got tired of folks posting obscene materials and being asshats in general. If there is any demand, I'll bring it up in read-only mode, but unless anyone asks about it, it will stay down. It actually WAS down for a couple of weeks since I upgraded my server, and no one complained, so it doesn't seem to be missed much.

This server was upgraded. I doubt anyone cares, but it's faster now.

I'm extremely happy with my Macbook Pro. Since my last post, I got Boot Camp going on it, and have been playing Oblivion and other games on the XP side quite nicely. This machine truly is the ultimate laptop ever constructed; it's the best of both worlds! Mind-blowing.

Also, Teekay has apparently found a home. What a cutie; I hope she has a good kitty life!

That's it for now, later folks!